1. Take puppy outside frequently (at least hourly at first), always go with him, keep him on a leash, and bring along his favorite treat.

2. Go to the same spot each time; say special words (E.g. “Go potty”) that you want pup to associate with desired behavior, give him at least a few minutes to consider think about what he is there for.

3. Once he starts to eliminate, give quiet words of praise. When he is done, reward immediately and enthusiastically with praise and favorite treat or toy. Praise each and every time, but as your pup learns, you can give food rewards more intermittently and use walks/play time as reward.

4. Allow some fun time in the yard, if possible.

5. Go back to the potty spot after fun time—he may have to go again before returning into the house.

6. If he does nothing outside , no rewards—go right back in the house.

7. Indoors, keep him in the same room with you as much as possible. Watch for those subtle signals that he may have to go—circling, sniffing, going off to a corner—and get him outside right away.

8. If he has an accident, no punishment. If you catch him in the act, you can gently say no-no and take him outside to finish.

9. Clean up accidents immediately and thoroughly.

10. Accidents can be placed in the potty spot of the yard to help give him the idea.

11. Assume that he will need to urinate or defecate shortly (5 to 30 minutes) after being confined, resting, sleeping, eating, drinking, playing, or chewing on something. Unless your vet or breeder recommends otherwise, feed your pup consistent amounts at consistent times of the day. When he is finished or walks away from the food, remove the bowl until the next meal.

12. Patience and perseverance are the keys!