Limited plans available for 2023.

Early Detection

With wellness plans, our doctors can practice the best and most nurturing medicine. This can help your pet to live a life without illnesses, diseases, and health catastrophes

Scheduled Prevention

We believe the best medicine is preventative care. By using the plan built for your pet, we can stay on a healthy path for the entirety of their life. This alone can help with reducing future veterinarian bills

Dog and Vet

Cost Effective Care

Cat in shades

Unique Customization

For both dogs and cats

For both dogs and cats

What are the benefits to choosing our wellness plans?

Wellness plans offer significant benefits compared to the traditional model of pet care and insurance plans. Among the most impactful benefits, wellness plans can provide baseline examination and testing, dental evaluation and care, early identification of changes in health status, and the elimination of future guesswork in the event of the deterioration of your pet’s health.
